Assad large animal species of cats. Called the female partner of a lioness and the name given to the children Cubs. Called the beginning of the first century AD, the title of king of the forest, and called his den. Was the home of Black includes history most of Slhobh and Eurasia, from Portugal to India, as well as Africa as a whole. But since about 10,000 years ago, became extinct Black Western Europe and then Malbutt that died out from the rest of Europe by the second century AD, and became extinct Black from northern Africa and the Middle East in the period between the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Most of the populations now living in Central Africa where it appears that the preparation is constantly decreasing, the research showed a decline of about 100,000 prepared in the early nineties of the twentieth century to about 16,000 to 30,000 wild lion now. In addition, the bulk of black current face Another danger is the isolation of groups from each other geographically, which increases the probability of inbreeding (between relatives), causing problems of heredity, has shown the institution Kenyan wildlife that groups that have happened inside breed internal has increased the average the number of cubs per female, as the Foundation expects to increase the number of group three times during the next ten years because of the high fertility rate then. The black-Asian (Asian strain) spread from Turkey to India via Iran and the Caucasus to Yemen. Now, what is left of them live in the jungle "is not" north-west of India, located in the state of Gujarat, where 300 Lion in the protected area with an area of 1412 km 2. Extinct last Black European in Greece by 100 for the birth, and species extinctions other: breed Cape of Good Hope (Lion Cape of Good Hope), strain caves (cave lion European), who co-existence with humans during the last ice age, and strain the U.S. (lion U.S.) that strain is close to the caves.

King of the JungleReason be called king of the forest because of kings is behaving like a lion so that he Ayakl with the female he is said to Aaokl hunting another animal unless he is very hungry. It is also said that his behavior has limits on its own and Anath or drink from a bowl to drink the dog. Lahaul is a picture of wild animals.
Assad is not the largest carnivores, not as we think the most aggressive and has gained such a reputation for majestic animals to be the largest known carnivorous and due to the resounding strength and Zirh. Characterized by the arms of al-Assad and the front legs Badiladtha that gives strength to jump on the lion's prey put to the ground. Huge lion paws with claws, bent to help catch prey and hung out. In the times when you do not have the use of claws it is returned into the membrane to stop, and this would maintain to keep the claws sharp. Of the Lion and the 30 and older used four large pointed canines to catch and kill prey and tearing meat. The cheek teeth called incisors, cut off, whereupon the skin and cut the tendons that connect the muscles of meat Bazamha prey. Assad does not have teeth suitable for chewing, so he swallowed the food in the form of large blocks of meat.
The average height of 90 cm-Assad and the average length of its tail with about 270 cm and average weight 180 kg, and baptized lion from thirty to forty years ago. Features a lion's eyes sharply and his eyes shine in the dark and hearing Brhafah who guide him to his prey. Does not live lion in the areas of dense forests, but live in the forest open-known Balsavana. Honors Assad to rest during the day and when it is evening out to look for its prey and is ass schema from the prey of choice for lion and the black are the only animals that attack giraffes completed growth, can kill a lion if the giraffe was sleeping or if jumped on the back of the bunker.

The lion hunts mostly at night, where God has given what is appointed to do so, which enables the eyes Almlontan of vision in the dark, as well as his senses of smell and hearing strong. In some cases, a group of lions hunting together, where each lay, surrounded by others and the haunted prey toward the black potential between the tall grass. Usually leave the male to female job hunting, but they are killing themselves when they find prey, and learn Cubs fishing through monitoring
Types of black barbarism and Alslaslh Alslaslh Asian and Alslaslh Alafriqihoslslh Cape of Good Hope and the European Alslaslh

lion White
Black white black rare, found in a wild state in the region of Timbafaty South Africa, and the reason for the acquisition of white that they have the gene for a private cause whiter for their fur, causing a problem related to fishing, it exposes the white lion and cause escaped prey contrary to black natural Taatmoh entirely with its surroundings. born completely white black white without spots rosy gloss Adkin Cubs and then the color gradually until it becomes an ivory color.Assad legendary animal who does not have a contender for the title (King of the Jungle) and the lion animal very trust himself, and Bosama Talth lioness and one of those who have mastered the art of skilled hunting, lion and lioness in a family session beware of approaching themLion's teeth the most important weapons that God has given her and the young cubs black future predatory

Asian LionIs one of the strains of black-and still live today in India only and also known as the Lion of India, has extended the home of this strain in the past of Greece and Southwest Asia via Central Asia to India, historically the Black Asian classified into three types is Asad Arabic, Persian, Bengali .Different black African Asian relatives from several aspects, they are slightly smaller, and the males of the mane is less dense and also has a fold of excess skin extends along the belly, and a tuft of hair on the joints and their wake a longer tuft of black Africa. Different Black Asian African also through their behavior the social, they live in the code smaller and fewer in number where they can reach the number of members of the group for about Onttin only; Perhaps the most distinguishing feature of this black is carried to humans and not show behavior hostile toward him often, and Perhaps the reason for that is that these black remaining in India shared the home with a number of tribes for thousands of years, which make them get used to the presence of humans in the vicinity. However, recently in the past few years the percentage of attack these animals to humans, and believed that the reason behind this is to reduce the number of cattle domesticated in the forest is and develop methods to keep them from attack predators which deprived Black of one of the sources of their food basic and make it so you look at the Human Ktradh alternative.

Barbary lionBarbary lion is one of the strains that black became extinct in the wild during the early twentieth century, and settled in North Africa from Morocco and Algeria to Libya and Egypt. Another was killed a lion in the Atlas Mountains Atlas in Morocco in 1922 by some French fishermen. I think for a long time that he died out completely, leaving nothing alive any individuals, but some black that keeps them in zoos and circuses have shown during the past three decades, some of the features that made it one of the Berber dynasty, or are likely to be, at least. There are a lot of people and different institutions, which claims that it currently owns the Atlas Lions, and it appears that there are about forty of them a lion in captivity in Europe as a whole, and the number of individuals in all parts of the world to less than one hundred.
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