Thursday, July 26, 2012


Assad large animal species of cats. Called the female partner of a lioness and the name given to the children Cubs. Called the beginning of the first century AD, the title of king of the forest, and called his den. Was the home of Black includes history most of Slhobh and Eurasia, from Portugal to India, as well as Africa as a whole. But since about 10,000 years ago, became extinct Black Western Europe and then Malbutt that died out from the rest of Europe by the second century AD, and became extinct Black from northern Africa and the Middle East in the period between the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Most of the populations now living in Central Africa where it appears that the preparation is constantly decreasing, the research showed a decline of about 100,000 prepared in the early nineties of the twentieth century to about 16,000 to 30,000 wild lion now. In addition, the bulk of black current face Another danger is the isolation of groups from each other geographically, which increases the probability of inbreeding (between relatives), causing problems of heredity, has shown the institution Kenyan wildlife that groups that have happened inside breed internal has increased the average the number of cubs per female, as the Foundation expects to increase the number of group three times during the next ten years because of the high fertility rate then. The black-Asian (Asian strain) spread from Turkey to India via Iran and the Caucasus to Yemen. Now, what is left of them live in the jungle "is not" north-west of India, located in the state of Gujarat, where 300 Lion in the protected area with an area of ​​1412 km 2. Extinct last Black European in Greece by 100 for the birth, and species extinctions other: breed Cape of Good Hope (Lion Cape of Good Hope), strain caves (cave lion European), who co-existence with humans during the last ice age, and strain the U.S. (lion U.S.) that strain is close to the caves.

King of the JungleReason be called king of the forest because of kings is behaving like a lion so that he Ayakl with the female he is said to Aaokl hunting another animal unless he is very hungry. It is also said that his behavior has limits on its own and Anath or drink from a bowl to drink the dog. Lahaul is a picture of wild animals.

Assad is not the largest carnivores, not as we think the most aggressive and has gained such a reputation for majestic animals to be the largest known carnivorous and due to the resounding strength and Zirh. Characterized by the arms of al-Assad and the front legs Badiladtha that gives strength to jump on the lion's prey put to the ground. Huge lion paws with claws, bent to help catch prey and hung out. In the times when you do not have the use of claws it is returned into the membrane to stop, and this would maintain to keep the claws sharp. Of the Lion and the 30 and older used four large pointed canines to catch and kill prey and tearing meat. The cheek teeth called incisors, cut off, whereupon the skin and cut the tendons that connect the muscles of meat Bazamha prey. Assad does not have teeth suitable for chewing, so he swallowed the food in the form of large blocks of meat.
The average height of 90 cm-Assad and the average length of its tail with about 270 cm and average weight 180 kg, and baptized lion from thirty to forty years ago. Features a lion's eyes sharply and his eyes shine in the dark and hearing Brhafah who guide him to his prey. Does not live lion in the areas of dense forests, but live in the forest open-known Balsavana. Honors Assad to rest during the day and when it is evening out to look for its prey and is ass schema from the prey of choice for lion and the black are the only animals that attack giraffes completed growth, can kill a lion if the giraffe was sleeping or if jumped on the back of the bunker.

The lion hunts mostly at night, where God has given what is appointed to do so, which enables the eyes Almlontan of vision in the dark, as well as his senses of smell and hearing strong. In some cases, a group of lions hunting together, where each lay, surrounded by others and the haunted prey toward the black potential between the tall grass. Usually leave the male to female job hunting, but they are killing themselves when they find prey, and learn Cubs fishing through monitoring
Types of black barbarism and Alslaslh Alslaslh Asian and Alslaslh Alafriqihoslslh Cape of Good Hope and the European Alslaslh

lion White
Black white black rare, found in a wild state in the region of Timbafaty South Africa, and the reason for the acquisition of white that they have the gene for a private cause whiter for their fur, causing a problem related to fishing, it exposes the white lion and cause escaped prey contrary to black natural Taatmoh entirely with its surroundings. born completely white black white without spots rosy gloss Adkin Cubs and then the color gradually until it becomes an ivory color.Assad legendary animal who does not have a contender for the title (King of the Jungle) and the lion animal very trust himself, and Bosama Talth lioness and one of those who have mastered the art of skilled hunting, lion and lioness in a family session beware of approaching themLion's teeth the most important weapons that God has given her and the young cubs black future predatory

Asian LionIs one of the strains of black-and still live today in India only and also known as the Lion of India, has extended the home of this strain in the past of Greece and Southwest Asia via Central Asia to India, historically the Black Asian classified into three types is Asad Arabic, Persian, Bengali .Different black African Asian relatives from several aspects, they are slightly smaller, and the males of the mane is less dense and also has a fold of excess skin extends along the belly, and a tuft of hair on the joints and their wake a longer tuft of black Africa. Different Black Asian African also through their behavior the social, they live in the code smaller and fewer in number where they can reach the number of members of the group for about Onttin only; Perhaps the most distinguishing feature of this black is carried to humans and not show behavior hostile toward him often, and Perhaps the reason for that is that these black remaining in India shared the home with a number of tribes for thousands of years, which make them get used to the presence of humans in the vicinity. However, recently in the past few years the percentage of attack these animals to humans, and believed that the reason behind this is to reduce the number of cattle domesticated in the forest is and develop methods to keep them from attack predators which deprived Black of one of the sources of their food basic and make it so you look at the Human Ktradh alternative.
Barbary lionBarbary lion is one of the strains that black became extinct in the wild during the early twentieth century, and settled in North Africa from Morocco and Algeria to Libya and Egypt. Another was killed a lion in the Atlas Mountains Atlas in Morocco in 1922 by some French fishermen. I think for a long time that he died out completely, leaving nothing alive any individuals, but some black that keeps them in zoos and circuses have shown during the past three decades, some of the features that made it one of the Berber dynasty, or are likely to be, at least. There are a lot of people and different institutions, which claims that it currently owns the Atlas Lions, and it appears that there are about forty of them a lion in captivity in Europe as a whole, and the number of individuals in all parts of the world to less than one hundred.


Rhinoceros and Rhinoceros Khrti and in English from the huge large animals, live in Africa and Asia.Lives in the flat meadows with short grass and dense and depends on the water, but contains native trees on the environmentalThis animal is endangered because it is exposed to genocide because of the horn where it is said that his medical benefits helped to the high catch and destroying it, and there are now strict laws to prevent hunting, and established his reserves, private, and grab his homeland to establish plantations it, as there are some beliefs of the African, which is faith in the disaster for the animal. Sudan adopted a national symbol of independence, to abandon him later.
The basic diet of herbs and shrubs, and in families fed hay and high-protein biscuits and mineral salts.

Bird, which stands at the head of Rhino, his eyes back to yellRhino and the cries of known means that the enemy of this great animalHas come from far and he takes him and warned him there cries of folding indicate RhinoTo resist and address and the shouts of the other indicate that the enemy is huge and fierce, and theHowever, the Rhino and melt away.
Types of rhino
In the world more than five different types of Rhino.Including the Black Rhino and White Rhino, the two live in AfricaThe rest of the species, they live in the Asian continent.And we know them: Rhino Indian rhinoceros and Java and Sumatra rhinoceros has two horns

Black RhinoBlack Rhino animal of mammals of the size of whatBetween 300 to 375 centimeters, in addition to the tail, whichUp to about 70 centimeters, or weight ranges between1 to 1.8 tons, but its habitat is the forest and savannahAnd Hacaúchha, put a small female of this animal after a period of pregnancyUp to 460 days have weighed about 40 kg
White RhinoThe length of the head and body about 4 meters, and high shoulder $ 180 centimeters, and weighs about 3500 kg approx. Which is slightly larger than the black rhino, which has a hump at the back of the neck, his head low and it Taiwilan horns, ears and upper lip Aarbtan square shape, look weak and he heard a sharp sensation.And males are isolated, but the female remains, accompanied by their young, which is less aggressive than the Black Rhino quiet foul, feeds on grasses, used to transmit the same roads and tracks for a long period of time. Loves wallowing in the mud and water the animal is active day and night.
Indian RhinoIndian Rhino has Rhinocéros Indien centuries and one, known scientifically under the name: Rhinoceros unicornis.
And is the largest species of animals the Asian Rhino meter and eight centimeters in length and weighing two tons.Animals and Indian Rhino animals tend to isolation and loneliness.Indian Rhino animals fed on grass, as well as the cane and fruit, and is skilled pool, they can easily swim across the river to gain access to pastures new.Pregnancy range from females of 462 to 491 days, after which the female gives birth attendant remains small until the next situation, and put a small female and one in every three years.Usually we encounter in Nepal and India, this species lives and eight reserves, five reserves of the state of Assam, India, Nepal and protectorates, and not left him the day only 1500 animals.

Java rhinocerosRhinoceros Java (Rhinoceros sondaicus), also called Rhino Alsonda have centuries and one on the head live in Asia. Rhino Java-like Balkirkdn Indian is the least number in a family Alkirkdnaat. It is also among the large mammals threatened with extinction. Estimated that 70 Kirkdna in the wilderness, either in captivity There is no one.
Sumatran rhinocerosSumatran rhinoceros is known Rhinocéros de Sumatra (proportion of the Indonesian island of Sumatra) scientifically under the name: Dicerorhinus Sumatrensis. Unlike the rest of the Asian rhinoceros species Vkirkdn Sumatra is the only type which has two centuries, and the length of the anterior horn average of 25 centimeters, and a century behind the front is smaller than the average length of ten centimeters, and may miss the back of this century when the females of this species. Rhinoceros and Sumatran rhinoceros is the smallest Asian types.This generates small dense animal fur covering her body, which tends to color to reddish brown when young big, and females usually give birth to a small one, and between each birth and the other three or four years.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


DescriptionAnimals are agile and alert and cunning, and an average height of 70 cm at the shoulder, and a length of 2.5 m. However, the large male may reach a length of 2.8 m from nose to tail, and weighs between 45 to 75 kg. The large female weighing about 35 kg. The female gives birth to between two to four puppies at a time and one-Most of the skin characterized by Tigers pintolopesii light brown with yellowish spots many dense black. There are dark rings around the tail is black. All tigers are similar pintolopesii much, but the Tigers pintolopesii that live in the forests darker than those that live in open plains and desert forest. Tiger and speckled black, and very difficult to see Aldkinh spots him, and it seems like a totally black animal. The white tigers are the rarest lot of tigers that live in the black and Meliza Java and India
Types of tigers

Tiger speckled
Is one of the cats the Big Four, which is called error in the Arab sometimes Bafahad, and he believed in the past that the tiger speckled is a hybrid between a lion and tiger black (panther), hence the name derives tiger speckled Balangelazaho some Latin languages: Leo a lion in the Greek Pard and a word that means the old black tiger, but in Arabic the word means a whole tiger Onmr any speckled, and is a sign of animal fur trout, while the leopard is the animal that is referred to in Arabic the name of cheetah.

African TigerStrains is a tiger and the most common, is spread across Africa from the Cape of Good Hope to the north of Tunisia, and this strain has become today include strains were considered independent, such as pre-strain and strain Zanzibar barbarism.This strain is considered as a whole is not threatened at all, but some populations such as the Berber population are regarded as critically endangered
Tiger Alzenjabbara
Of mammalian carnivores (meat eaters) which follow the familyCats (Alqtttiyat), one of the breeds of tigers, and are endemic to Unguja Island, part of the Zanzibar Archipelago,Which belong to Tanzania.

Black Tiger
Is just going through normal carrying a mutation specific cause to make the hair or fur produces a color black instead of orange Almsamar, resulting in making the coat black bleak but the shifts remained visible when a tiger to light and from a certain distance is that there are tigers white is one of the Among animals, the most speed.

Arabian Tiger
 Of mammalian carnivores (meat eaters) which follow the family cats, one of the breeds of tigers. The Arabian leopard, the largest and most powerful types of cats Arabic, but it remains smaller strains, the Tigers all, which are spread in Asia and Africa, and is this strain threatened critically through the home the whole, which includes today's Palestine, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen, and Oman, where their numbers are still declining slowly.
Sri LankanTiger
 Of mammalian carnivores (meat eaters), which follow the family cats (Alqtttiyat),Strains, one of the Tigers, and lives only on the island of Sri Lanka, which is considered one of the endangered animals
Persian Tiger
 Tiger or the Iranian mammalian carnivores (meat eaters) which follow the family cats,Which is one of the Tigers strains that are endemic to western Asia, and one of the endangered animalsIn all places of deployment in the Middle East. This strain has become today, including, according to the classification of the scholars.Anatolian strain and strain Sinai after they were classified as independent breeds, which means that strain Anatolian(Anatolian leopard or tiger Anatolia) and strain Sinai (Sinai tiger) became today are just populations of Persian descent.
White tigersTigers are only Basic, but their formation occurs in the genetic abnormalityAny material decrease the recessive allele in the genetic code haveIt anomalies occur sometimes strange is that this change does not occur untilIn tigers and less in the black.It is not a disease, or leprosy, and not a hybrid, just the cases occur in the genesThe White Tiger up to three meters tall and weighs 285 kg and almost greasy white coat shiny brown color Alhuckalath lines and dark eyes (Zrkoan) and light pink noseWhite Tiger feeds on deer and wild pigs and deer are Oclath Favorites.It swimmer skilled climber, but too lazyThey are solitary animals do not meet except in mating season, and mating is seasonalPregnancy and the period from 95 to 110 days and often give birth to female tiger from 2 to 6 cubsThe spread in the world in Siberia, India and some other regions such as ChinaIt is a very rare animal and only five thousand left in the wildAnd pursuit of suspects by the traders due to the high cost of their fur and their use in Chinese medicine

Importance of the Tigers1. Tigers are biologically important to maintain the overall health of the ecosystem. The top predator of the food chain, help to keep the tigers prey populations in check.
2. Tigers also have cultural significance. Tiger and symbolizes beauty and power alone for more than 5,000 years. In Asia, tigers have been identified with the gods and is one of the conquerors of evil. Ironically, the Tigers held the belief that great power, even in the bones, leading to decline.
3. Large, familiar animals such as tigers are often species that serve as elements of mediation, and to generate funds and work to preserve habitats. A loss of these cats lead to a symbolic drop support in maintaining the ecosystem and, therefore,. Each of the plant and other types of animals that share

Tuesday, July 24, 2012



Tdeye vegetarian animal elephant with huge size and is one of the largest animals of the forest is a large head and short tail with Napan of ivory and live mostly in Asia and in the forests of AfricaKinds of elephantsThere are two main types of elephants are
African elephants
 and are living in sub-Saharan AfricaAnd Indian elephants and Asian elephants know and live in parts of India and East Asia
African elephant
Weighs about 5500 kg and length of the female elephant mature about 2.8 meters and weighs 3.500 kg and the length of the largest elephant African Male 4.51 meters and weighed 11.000 kg, while the largest weight of the elephant of Africa over 6.500 kg of Mazam elephants African skin dark gray and a provider
To the head while covering a curved Khvpfa tan ears up display, each one 1.2-meter shoulders and both males and females tusks up their growth in the male African elephant from 1.8 to 2.4 meters and the unit weighs 23-45 kg while females weigh most Knapp 7 - 9 KG and had recorded the longest tusk African length 3,5 m and access and heavily weight to 133 kg and there are two types of elephants African bush elephant and the forest elephants
Indian elephants
 at the shoulder of the male (2.7 to 3.2 m) and weighs about 3600 kg and has reached the longest Indian elephant 3.3 m while the height of female Indian elephant about 2.5 m and weighs about 3,000 kg of Indian elephants Mazam gray skin pale color, perhaps punctuated by patches of pink and white or Indian elephant and the Snaman when submitted by the head and ears above the ears Mbacrho half Indian elephant African elephant ears and do not cover the shoulders and most of the male Indian elephants tusks grow up to 1 to 1.5 m, but some Indian elephants males and called Mkoacz without tusks and most females, but without some of the female tusks too shortKhrtom Indian elephant smoother than the African elephant and no bump one meaty when the body is Tovan fingers and most of the Indian elephants Khma toes on each foot front and four on each foot background

Features of the elephant

Elephant features a powerful memory that is aware of things and places for many years, and recalls the benefit of access to water resources in periods of drought that may last for years in AfricaStrong sense of smell that enables him to sniff the wind to get to know the sources of water, as well as enemies on the rare elephants are not afraid even black.Like elephants wallowing in the mud and silt soil workshops on the appearance it is protected from the scorching heat of the sun and prevent the appearance of annoying insectsFemale elephant gestation period of two years or 22 months, which is nostalgic for her child so much and defend the great female leader of the herd for all children in the case of exposure to risk and responsibility rather small, the entire herd defend them even if they are not their children. The elephants give birth to twins Vfahi this case you need the support of all members of the herd for the care of young children.Occurs on a rare to give birth to female twins means that the small weight at birth and an additional responsibility in the care of two small-like young people in their desire to play and negligence of the dangers, they spent their time playing and to identify the creatures around, and the female large and the rest of the female care and protection where required it so.Herds of males and less disciplined and coherent cooperation of the herds of females, and separately from the wandering herds of females, they are continuing with the continuing under the audio which is less complex than the herds of females.Elephant spends three-quarters of today's plants in chewing poor in nutritional value and therefore replace the food poverty compensation amount and forest elephants strip is eat 200 kilograms of vegetation a day, so the elephant replaces fierce molarium 6 times in his life to the large consumption.Elephant out a massive amount of manure up to 136 kilograms, live on dung beetleElephant fear fire and loud voices and that when elephants attack on the farm, farmers accelerates Asians carry flares as fireworks knocking on the plates.Elephant is not afraid of the mouse as is common, and those old story has no basis in truth.When you feel elephants near death or exhausted they go to the places of water, and die there, and the accumulation of bone becomes a metaphor so-called tomb of elephants. Elephants and very emotional connection with the dead and appears tense and fear if they saw another elephant's skull, just like human

The importance of elephants

Elephants are an important natural functions; for example, it helps in converting woodland to open areas because of feeding trees and other plants. Many prefer the animals to live in open environments. Elephants are also drilled dry riverbed until it reaches the water below the surface, this provides drinking water for other animals. During the movement of elephants in areas of tree work on the formation of corridors used by other animals, such as rhinos and Alhamaralouhhi.

The protection of elephants

The number of elephants continuously decreased; where people kill for ivory tusks. As well as people settled in many of the land that had been living with these animals, leading to the disappearance of natural habitats for elephants, and threatened the agricultural and industrial activity of natural resources needed by elephants in her life. He was the growth of the population of Asia at the expense of the number of elephants, where the number fell to less than 40 thousand. The main reason for the decline in the number of elephants in Africa to over-fishing. While the number of African elephants in 1979 about one million three hundred thousand, that number dropped to about 600 thousand elephant with the beginning of the nineties of the twentieth century. If a low number of elephants is on what it has become extinct from the wild these animals with a view of the twenty-century atheist century.
We have been doing a vigorous campaign in the world at the end of the eighties of the twentieth century in order to put people at the level of responsibility and the realization that thousands of elephants were slaughtered each year for ivory ornaments and inscriptions. Japan is a major consumer of ivory to be used in the manufacture of seals of the signature, seal any traditional names for the printing ink. He estimated that each year it kills about 12 thousand in order to get an elephant for ivory, which is required for the manufacture of these seals.