Tdeye vegetarian animal elephant with huge size and is one of the largest animals of the forest is a large head and short tail with Napan of ivory and live mostly in Asia and in the forests of AfricaKinds of elephantsThere are two main types of elephants are
African elephants
and are living in sub-Saharan AfricaAnd Indian elephants and Asian elephants know and live in parts of India and East Asia
African elephant
Weighs about 5500 kg and length of the female elephant mature about 2.8 meters and weighs 3.500 kg and the length of the largest elephant African Male 4.51 meters and weighed 11.000 kg, while the largest weight of the elephant of Africa over 6.500 kg of Mazam elephants African skin dark gray and a provider
To the head while covering a curved Khvpfa tan ears up display, each one 1.2-meter shoulders and both males and females tusks up their growth in the male African elephant from 1.8 to 2.4 meters and the unit weighs 23-45 kg while females weigh most Knapp 7 - 9 KG and had recorded the longest tusk African length 3,5 m and access and heavily weight to 133 kg and there are two types of elephants African bush elephant and the forest elephants
Indian elephants
at the shoulder of the male (2.7 to 3.2 m) and weighs about 3600 kg and has reached the longest Indian elephant 3.3 m while the height of female Indian elephant about 2.5 m and weighs about 3,000 kg of Indian elephants Mazam gray skin pale color, perhaps punctuated by patches of pink and white or Indian elephant and the Snaman when submitted by the head and ears above the ears Mbacrho half Indian elephant African elephant ears and do not cover the shoulders and most of the male Indian elephants tusks grow up to 1 to 1.5 m, but some Indian elephants males and called Mkoacz without tusks and most females, but without some of the female tusks too shortKhrtom Indian elephant smoother than the African elephant and no bump one meaty when the body is Tovan fingers and most of the Indian elephants Khma toes on each foot front and four on each foot background
Features of the elephant
Elephant features a powerful memory that is aware of things and places for many years, and recalls the benefit of access to water resources in periods of drought that may last for years in AfricaStrong sense of smell that enables him to sniff the wind to get to know the sources of water, as well as enemies on the rare elephants are not afraid even black.Like elephants wallowing in the mud and silt soil workshops on the appearance it is protected from the scorching heat of the sun and prevent the appearance of annoying insectsFemale elephant gestation period of two years or 22 months, which is nostalgic for her child so much and defend the great female leader of the herd for all children in the case of exposure to risk and responsibility rather small, the entire herd defend them even if they are not their children. The elephants give birth to twins Vfahi this case you need the support of all members of the herd for the care of young children.Occurs on a rare to give birth to female twins means that the small weight at birth and an additional responsibility in the care of two small-like young people in their desire to play and negligence of the dangers, they spent their time playing and to identify the creatures around, and the female large and the rest of the female care and protection where required it so.Herds of males and less disciplined and coherent cooperation of the herds of females, and separately from the wandering herds of females, they are continuing with the continuing under the audio which is less complex than the herds of females.Elephant spends three-quarters of today's plants in chewing poor in nutritional value and therefore replace the food poverty compensation amount and forest elephants strip is eat 200 kilograms of vegetation a day, so the elephant replaces fierce molarium 6 times in his life to the large consumption.Elephant out a massive amount of manure up to 136 kilograms, live on dung beetleElephant fear fire and loud voices and that when elephants attack on the farm, farmers accelerates Asians carry flares as fireworks knocking on the plates.Elephant is not afraid of the mouse as is common, and those old story has no basis in truth.When you feel elephants near death or exhausted they go to the places of water, and die there, and the accumulation of bone becomes a metaphor so-called tomb of elephants. Elephants and very emotional connection with the dead and appears tense and fear if they saw another elephant's skull, just like human
The importance of elephants
Elephants are an important natural functions; for example, it helps in converting woodland to open areas because of feeding trees and other plants. Many prefer the animals to live in open environments. Elephants are also drilled dry riverbed until it reaches the water below the surface, this provides drinking water for other animals. During the movement of elephants in areas of tree work on the formation of corridors used by other animals, such as rhinos and Alhamaralouhhi.
The protection of elephants
The number of elephants continuously decreased; where people kill for ivory tusks. As well as people settled in many of the land that had been living with these animals, leading to the disappearance of natural habitats for elephants, and threatened the agricultural and industrial activity of natural resources needed by elephants in her life. He was the growth of the population of Asia at the expense of the number of elephants, where the number fell to less than 40 thousand. The main reason for the decline in the number of elephants in Africa to over-fishing. While the number of African elephants in 1979 about one million three hundred thousand, that number dropped to about 600 thousand elephant with the beginning of the nineties of the twentieth century. If a low number of elephants is on what it has become extinct from the wild these animals with a view of the twenty-century atheist century.
We have been doing a vigorous campaign in the world at the end of the eighties of the twentieth century in order to put people at the level of responsibility and the realization that thousands of elephants were slaughtered each year for ivory ornaments and inscriptions. Japan is a major consumer of ivory to be used in the manufacture of seals of the signature, seal any traditional names for the printing ink. He estimated that each year it kills about 12 thousand in order to get an elephant for ivory, which is required for the manufacture of these seals.
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